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Types of Juggling Balls - Pros & Cons
There are so many types of juggling balls and it can be hard to keep them all straight, especially if you’re newer to juggling. So I’m...
Juggling Styles Around the World
Bounce juggling, microjuggling, poi juggling, combination tricks, and more! To celebrate World Juggling Day, I'm trying different styles...
Zeekio Pegasus Review - Beginner Clubs
My review of the Zeekio Pegasus juggling clubs- why I think they're one of the best choices for beginners and what you need to know...
Juggling is Too Loud / Soundproofing
Today I tried to soundproof my apartment floors so I can juggle all the time without pissing off my neighbors.
Juggling Terms You Should Know
Basic juggling terms to help you navigate the world of juggling!
30+ Mills Mess Variations
A video showing all the mess variations I've learned lately in slow motion! The patterns in this video are: • The Mess (Mills Mess) •...
Making and Trying a Juggle Board
I tried to make a Juggle Board, a device used for table style juggling... Here's how that went!
1 Arm Juggling Tricks
I hurt my arm so I explored a variety of juggling tricks to try with 1 arm!
5 Tips for Improving 5 Ball Juggling
My top 5 tips for a better 5 Ball Cascade! Especially if you're stuck at a plateau and can't seem to get better!
Is the IJA Festival Worth it?
Is the IJA Juggling Festival worth the cost?
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3 Ball Tricks
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